Decarbonization, Efficiency and Affordability: New Energy Markets in Latin America
The Latin American Association for Energy Economics (LAAEE), the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), the Instituto Torcuato di Tella (ITDT) and the Instituto Argentino de la EnergÃa “General Mosconi†have the pleasure to invite you to attend the 7th Latin American Conference that will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 10-11-12 March 2019.
Energy markets are changing. Renewable sources of energy are replacing conventional ones and energy efficiency becomes more and more important in the way to accomplish the mitigation commitments that almost all the countries of the world submitted in their National Determined Contributions (NDC) in the framework of the Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015 in COP 21.
Markets become more internationally integrated, but also more locally oriented.
Market players are reinventing their roles: incumbent producers are looking for new strategies, while energy consumers are becoming producers as well. Market rules need to be reconsidered, just as the energy policies of governments at the local, national and international level. Energy markets need to be conducive to innovation and flexible solutions, but also to provide incentives for investments, while performing the usual balancing act between security, environment and affordability.
We invite you to be part of this transformation process by attending this conference. Join the round table discussions, present your paper, attend the plenary sessions with world-renowned speakers and enjoy the hospitality of the lively city of Buenos Aires.
Conference Topics
- Oil and Gas markets: Non-conventional resources, deep water production and exploration; international trade, role of LNG.
- Electricity Markets: Renewable Integration, capacity markets, flexibility, storage, intra-day markets, cross-border effects.
- Energy Demand: demand elasticity, energy efficiency, behavioral economics,
- Energy and development: poverty and sustainability; universal access, affordability.
- Climate Change: promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency, electric vehicles, deep decarbonization.
- Energy and Macroeconomics: international trade, innovation, growth of investments in new technologies; fiscal Impacts of the energy sector, energy subsidies.
- System Integration: Interaction of different energy sources, sector coupling, international interconnections.
- Regional Energy Integration: Infrastructure and renewable energy.
- Geopolitics of Energy: Shale oil and shale gas in LATAM, deep water production.
- Energy and Finance: Climate risks, Financial markets, investments, hedging, funding of RES, insurance markets.
- Country Studies: energy transition, general lessons, developing and emerging countries.
- Energy Policy: Law and economics, network regulation, international institutions.
- Disruptive Innovation: Business models, technological change.
- Local Governments: Consumers collectives, land-use, urbanization.
- Energy and Transportation: Electrification, hydrogen, biofuels.